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(Dan Trimmer, 2004) Tetraploid (Cherry Valentine X Tetra Connie Burton) 26" Em Re. Ev. 51/4" After I bloomed my cross of CHERRY VALENTINE X TETRA CONNIE BURTON I kept 5 selected seedling and I guested all 5 with Larry Grace for whom I had done the conversion. In his greenhouse Larry used SIBLING RIVALRY the most of the three from this cross I have decided to introduce. SIBLING RIVALRY is the tallest and best branched of the three. While I fell head and hells in love with WILD CHERRY ROUNDUP Larry preferred to cross with this cultivar. The following year I walked Larry's seedlings and saw so many wonderful, circular SIBLING RIVALRY seedlings. SIBLING RIVALRY has a huge green throat, red eye and edge and a clean shrimp pink petal color. While not quite as circular as WILD CHERRY ROUND, SIBLING RIVALRY is round and full and by far the most pod fertile of the three.